Balloon Comics templates guide

A guide to editing and using my comics templates

Published: December 19, 2022

Updated: December 19, 2022

First, thanks for choosing to use one of my comics templates 😊. It brings me joy to know that my templates can be of use to someone out there.

I created this guide to ensure that there is consistency with how the comic strips look over time. I will update this guide from time to time based on new ideas that pop into my head.


A simple caption referring to the original source is fine. For example, "Check out other comics templates on Balloon Comics"

You can also tag me on social media when you post.

Usage and Editing

Feel free to download any template from the general list and edit as you deem fit without commercial benefit.

To edit the comic templates to fit my theme, I have created a sample template on Canva that you can duplicate to use. Please do not edit the original sample

Important things to note:

  1. Create an account on Canva, visit the link above, and duplicate the sample.
  2. Replace the image with your desired template.
  3. The font family used for the header is Assistant Bold, with font size of 44.1px. Change to your desired header.
  4. The font family used for the body text is One Little Font. The font size varies based on usage.
  5. Keep the social media handles on the comic strip for attribution.

Final thoughts

I look forward to seeing your amazing comic strips on social media.

Feel free to send an email to if you more questions.


Are you ready to work with me?

hero illustration

I'm actively open to new opportunities and requests.

If you have a question, or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you.